Monday, 19 February 2018


*** TRANSISTORES IBM 180 NM *****************

** ** EN PRINCIPIO, L > 180 NM. ****************** .MODEL CMOSN NMOS ( LEVEL = 49 +VERSION = 3.1 TNOM = 27 TOX = 4.4E-9 +XJ = 1E-7 NCH = 2.3549E17 VTH0 = 0.3121874 +K1 = 0.5402194 K2 = -0.0229646 K3 = 1E-3 +K3B = 5.0187576 W0 = 1E-7 NLX = 3.169487E-7 +DVT0W = 0 DVT1W = 0 DVT2W = 0 +DVT0 = 0.5100728 DVT1 = 0.1364496 DVT2 = -0.5 +U0 = 278.7008129 UA = -1.381271E-9 UB = 2.529692E-18 +UC = 5.479268E-11 VSAT = 1.239699E5 A0 = 0.8123142 +AGS = 0.0190288 B0 = -9.461928E-9 B1 = 0 +KETA = 7.720492E-3 A1 = 7.571219E-4 A2 = 0.5305713 +RDSW = 150 PRWG = 0.3709814 PRWB = -0.1820606 +WR = 1 WINT = 4.869555E-9 LINT = 2.286172E-8 +DWG = 3.074384E-9 DWB = 1.465848E-8 VOFF = -0.0815584 +NFACTOR = 2.4210154 CIT = 0 CDSC = 2.4E-4 +CDSCD = 0 CDSCB = 0 ETA0 = 3.603842E-3 +ETAB = -6.22715E-4 DSUB = 3.187909E-3 PCLM = 0.7001185 +PDIBLC1 = 0.9684356 PDIBLC2 = -0.0407115 PDIBLCB = -0.1 +DROUT = 0.9563034 PSCBE1 = 6.624325E10 PSCBE2 = 1.84211E-8 +PVAG = 0.0115578 DELTA = 0.01 RSH = 6.4 +MOBMOD = 1 PRT = 0 UTE = -1.5 +KT1 = -0.11 KT1L = 0 KT2 = 0.022 +UA1 = 4.31E-9 UB1 = -7.61E-18 UC1 = -5.6E-11 +AT = 3.3E4 WL = 0 WLN = 1 +WW = 0 WWN = 1 WWL = 0 +LL = 0 LLN = 1 LW = 0 +LWN = 1 LWL = 0 CAPMOD = 2 +XPART = 0.5 CGDO = 3.68E-10 CGSO = 3.68E-10 +CGBO = 1E-12 CJ = 8.226123E-4 PB = 0.828313 +MJ = 0.5115722 CJSW = 1.601317E-10 PBSW = 0.8 +MJSW = 0.3323477 CJSWG = 3.3E-10 PBSWG = 0.8 +MJSWG = 0.3323477 CF = 0 PVTH0 = -0.01 +PRDSW = 1.9225464 PK2 = 2.641823E-3 WKETA = 3.367686E-4 +LKETA = 8.406502E-3 PU0 = -5.5853746 PUA = -5E-11 +PUB = 2.217782E-24 PVSAT = 525.3872973 PETA0 = -1E-4 +PKETA = -1.846399E-3 ) * .MODEL CMOSP PMOS ( LEVEL = 49 +VERSION = 3.1 TNOM = 27 TOX = 4.4E-9 +XJ = 1E-7 NCH = 4.1589E17 VTH0 = -0.4111552 +K1 = 0.6029382 K2 = 8.28361E-7 K3 = 0.0843557 +K3B = 19.7698068 W0 = 1E-6 NLX = 3.313317E-8 +DVT0W = 0 DVT1W = 0 DVT2W = 0 +DVT0 = 0.7572825 DVT1 = 0.6641057 DVT2 = -0.3 +U0 = 122.6209742 UA = 1.718981E-9 UB = 1.723469E-21 +UC = -1E-10 VSAT = 1.557182E5 A0 = 1.0079814 +AGS = 0.1916224 B0 = 1.144328E-6 B1 = 5E-6 +KETA = 0.0178621 A1 = 4.884205E-3 A2 = 0.6177631 +RDSW = 928.1968405 PRWG = -0.2088735 PRWB = -0.3870812 +WR = 1 WINT = 0 LINT = 3.051235E-8 +DWG = -3.667324E-8 DWB = -1.555911E-8 VOFF = -0.1418006 +NFACTOR = 1.2910675 CIT = 0 CDSC = 2.4E-4 +CDSCD = 0 CDSCB = 0 ETA0 = 6.171337E-7 +ETAB = -5.197054E-3 DSUB = 0.0972133 PCLM = 0.6837994 +PDIBLC1 = 0.0229866 PDIBLC2 = 0.0104352 PDIBLCB = 0.0583665 +DROUT = 0.9317091 PSCBE1 = 1.054458E8 PSCBE2 = 5E-10 +PVAG = 8.977679E-3 DELTA = 0.01 RSH = 6 +MOBMOD = 1 PRT = 0 UTE = -1.5 +KT1 = -0.11 KT1L = 0 KT2 = 0.022 +UA1 = 4.31E-9 UB1 = -7.61E-18 UC1 = -5.6E-11 +AT = 3.3E4 WL = 0 WLN = 1 +WW = 0 WWN = 1 WWL = 0 +LL = 0 LLN = 1 LW = 0 +LWN = 1 LWL = 0 CAPMOD = 2 +XPART = 0.5 CGDO = 3.59E-10 CGSO = 3.59E-10 +CGBO = 1E-12 CJ = 1.173441E-3 PB = 0.8382219 +MJ = 0.4287588 CJSW = 2.510055E-10 PBSW = 0.99 +MJSW = 0.1 CJSWG = 4.22E-10 PBSWG = 0.99 +MJSWG = 0.1 CF = 0 PVTH0 = 4.291468E-4 +PRDSW = -5 PK2 = 1.342768E-4 WKETA = 0.0311714 +LKETA = -7.488647E-3 PU0 = 5.2582325 PUA = 2.774715E-10 +PUB = 0 PVSAT = 50 PETA0 = 1E-4 +PKETA = -3.922375E-3 )

Time in Aligarh:

Friday, 20 October 2017

CMOS 0.35um Level49 transistor models Card

*  This file is for NOMINAL conditions.
*  CMOS transistor models
* channel length    0.35um ... 15um (NMOS)
*      0.35um ... 15um (PMOS)
* channel width    >= 1um
* nominal parameter values:
*  threshold   0.60V  (NMOS)
*      0.85V  (PMOS)
*  oxide thickness   6.5nm
* worst case tolerances (used in worst case models):
*  channel length   +/- 0.05um
*  width    +/- 0.05um
*  oxide thickness   +/- 0.5nm
*  threshold voltage  +/- 40mV  (NMOS)
*      +/- 60mV  (PMOS)
.model nmos nmos level = 49
+ version =  3.11          acm     =  3             hdif    =  0.5e-6
+ mobmod  =  1.000000e+00  capmod  =  1.000000e+00  nqsmod  =  0.000000e+00  
+ tox     =  6.500000e-09  cdsc    =  1.000000e-10  cdscb   =  0.000000e+00  
+ cdscd   =  3.146578e-03  cit     = -1.165567e-03  nfactor =  2.067847e+00  
+ xj      =  2.000000e-07  vsat    =  1.733115e+05  at      =  4.587946e+04  
+ a0      =  1.208623e+00  ags     =  2.664144e-01  a1      =  0.000000e+00  
+ a2      =  3.926521e-01  keta    = -5.969015e-03  nch     =  3.053200e+17  
+ k1      =  7.823191e-01  kt1     = -2.968857e-01  kt1l    =  6.948321e-09  
+ kt2     = -2.439718e-02  k2      = -5.976393e-02  k3      = -2.348052e+00  
+ k3b     = -2.995700e+00  w0      =  0.000000e+00  nlx     =  2.343014e-07  
+ dvt0    =  1.904429e+01  dvt1    =  8.095353e-01  dvt2    =  6.252991e-03  
+ dvt0w   =  0.000000e+00  dvt1w   =  0.000000e+00  dvt2w   =  0.000000e+00  
+ drout   =  5.600000e-01  dsub    =  5.891755e-01  vth0    =  4.452273e-01  
+ ua      = -1.085785e-09  ua1     =  2.451017e-09  ub      =  2.210053e-18  
+ ub1     = -2.617479e-18  uc      =  3.755569e-11  uc1     =  2.640885e-13  
+ u0      =  3.324764e-02  ute     = -1.230449e+00  voff    = -8.793706e-02  
+ delta   =  9.688553e-03  rdsw    =  4.385596e+02  prwg    =  1.000000e-01  
+ prwb    = -7.964250e-02  prt     = -4.162666e+01  eta0    =  1.722893e-01  
+ etab    = -5.113721e-02  pclm    =  9.585992e-01  pdiblc1 =  2.537726e-12  
+ pdiblc2 = -3.312959e-04  pdiblcb = -1.000000e-03  pscbe1  =  5.656369e+08  
+ pscbe2  =  1.000000e-03  pvag    =  1.000001e-12  wr      =  9.107508e-01  
+ dwg     = -7.427878e-09  dwb     = -3.328336e-09  b0      =  1.598826e-07  
+ b1      =  5.141988e-17  alpha0  =  0.000000e+00  beta0   =  3.000000e+01  
+ elm     =  5.000000e+00  cgsl    =  0.000000e+00  cgdl    =  0.000000e+00  
+ ckappa  =  6.000000e-01  cf      =  9.056200e-11  clc     =  1.000000e-07  
+ cle     =  6.000000e-01  tnom    =  2.500000e+01  cgso    =  1.590000e-10  
+ cgdo    =  1.590000e-10  cgbo    =  0.000000e+00  xpart   =  1.000000e+00  
+ rsh     =  0.000000e+00  pb      =  5.112000e-01  mj      =  3.872000e-01  
+ mjsw    =  3.872000e-01  pbsw    =  5.112000e-01  cj      =  8.488000e-04  
+ cjsw    =  4.896000e-10  lint    =  2.345145e-09  ll      =  1.382235e-09  
+ lln     =  2.000000e-01  lw      =  0.000000e+00  lwn     =  0.000000e+00  
+ lwl     =  0.000000e+00  wint    =  1.347400e-07  wl      =  0.000000e+00  
+ wln     =  1.000000e+00  ww      = -7.781819e-14  wwn     =  1.000000e+00  
+ wwl     =  0.000000e+00  nlev    =  2.000000e+00  kf      =  0.500000e-25

.model pmos pmos level = 49
+ version =  3.11          acm     =  3             hdif    =  0.5e-6
+ mobmod  =  1.000000e+00  capmod  =  1.000000e+00  nqsmod  =  0.000000e+00  
+ tox     =  6.500000e-09  cdsc    =  1.000000e-10  cdscb   =  0.000000e+00  
+ cdscd   =  0.000000e+00  cit     =  2.849258e-03  nfactor =  0.000000e+00  
+ xj      =  2.000000e-07  vsat    =  1.235253e+05  at      =  0.000000e+00  
+ a0      =  5.534111e-01  ags     =  0.000000e+00  a1      =  0.000000e+00  
+ a2      =  4.000000e-01  keta    = -4.742392e-03  nch     =  1.198869e+17  
+ k1      =  5.036882e-01  kt1     = -4.972940e-01  kt1l    =  0.000000e+00  
+ kt2     = -4.796538e-02  k2      =  1.710970e-02  k3      = -1.532555e+00  
+ k3b     = -1.426295e-01  w0      = -5.128171e-07  nlx     =  1.500000e-07  
+ dvt0    =  1.318457e+00  dvt1    =  2.383284e-01  dvt2    =  0.000000e+00  
+ dvt0w   =  0.000000e+00  dvt1w   =  0.000000e+00  dvt2w   =  0.000000e+00  
+ drout   =  3.972895e-01  dsub    =  4.287821e-01  vth0    = -7.891688e-01  
+ ua      = -7.838913e-10  ua1     =  4.158887e-09  ub      =  1.416209e-18  
+ ub1     = -3.635865e-18  uc      = -3.193134e-11  uc1     =  0.000000e+00  
+ u0      =  8.644306e-03  ute     =  0.000000e+00  voff    = -1.619864e-01  
+ delta   =  1.000000e-02  rdsw    =  1.393589e+03  prwg    = -7.131702e-02  
+ prwb    = -9.573077e-02  prt     =  0.000000e+00  eta0    =  5.324062e-02  
+ etab    =  0.000000e+00  pclm    =  1.294956e+00  pdiblc1 =  1.272241e-02  
+ pdiblc2 =  5.045117e-04  pdiblcb = -8.715370e-03  pscbe1  =  4.803844e+08  
+ pscbe2  =  1.000000e-08  pvag    =  0.000000e+00  wr      =  8.585317e-01  
+ dwg     = -1.637238e-08  dwb     = -3.444345e-09  b0      =  0.000000e+00  
+ b1      =  1.000000e-04  alpha0  =  0.000000e+00  beta0   =  3.000000e+01  
+ elm     =  5.000000e+00  cgsl    =  0.000000e+00  cgdl    =  0.000000e+00  
+ ckappa  =  6.000000e-01  cf      =  9.056200e-11  clc     =  1.000000e-07  
+ cle     =  6.000000e-01  tnom    =  2.500000e+01  cgso    =  4.035600e-10  
+ cgdo    =  4.035600e-10  cgbo    =  0.000000e+00  xpart   =  1.000000e+00  
+ rsh     =  0.000000e+00  pb      =  9.316000e-01  mj      =  4.845000e-01  
+ mjsw    =  4.845000e-01  pbsw    =  9.316000e-01  cj      =  1.117000e-03  
+ cjsw    =  4.764000e-10  lint    =  5.034766e-08  ll      =  4.395297e-17  
+ lln     =  1.370692e+00  lw      =  0.000000e+00  lwn     =  0.000000e+00  
+ lwl     =  0.000000e+00  wint    =  1.924185e-07  wl      =  0.000000e+00  
+ wln     =  1.000000e+00  ww      = -9.207185e-13  wwn     =  8.342567e-01  
+ wwl     =  0.000000e+00  nlev    =  2.000000e+00  kf      =  0.250000e-25

*  This file is for FAST conditions.
*  CMOS transistor models
* channel length    0.35um ... 15um (NMOS)
*      0.35um ... 15um (PMOS)
* channel width    >= 1um
* nominal parameter values:
*  threshold    0.60V  (NMOS)
*       0.85V  (PMOS)
*  oxide thickness   6.5nm
* worst case tolerances (used in worst case models):
*  channel length   +/- 0.05um
*  width     +/- 0.05um
*  oxide thickness   +/- 0.5nm
*  threshold voltage   +/- 40mV  (NMOS)
*       +/- 60mV  (PMOS)
* CASE LT: low Tox files (mismatch high)
.model nmos nmos level = 49
+ version =  3.11          acm     =  3             hdif    =  0.5e-6
+ mobmod  =  1.000000e+00  capmod  =  1.000000e+00  nqsmod  =  0.000000e+00  
+ tox     =  6.000000e-09  cdsc    =  1.000000e-10  cdscb   =  0.000000e+00  
+ cdscd   =  3.146578e-03  cit     = -1.165567e-03  nfactor =  2.067847e+00  
+ xj      =  2.000000e-07  vsat    =  1.733115e+05  at      =  4.587946e+04  
+ a0      =  1.208623e+00  ags     =  2.664144e-01  a1      =  0.000000e+00  
+ a2      =  3.926521e-01  keta    = -5.969015e-03  nch     =  3.053200e+17  
+ k1      =  7.221407e-01  kt1     = -2.968857e-01  kt1l    =  6.948321e-09  
+ kt2     = -2.439718e-02  k2      = -5.516670e-02  k3      = -2.348052e+00  
+ k3b     = -2.995700e+00  w0      =  0.000000e+00  nlx     =  2.343014e-07  
+ dvt0    =  1.904429e+01  dvt1    =  8.370073e-01  dvt2    =  6.252991e-03  
+ dvt0w   =  0.000000e+00  dvt1w   =  0.000000e+00  dvt2w   =  0.000000e+00  
+ drout   =  5.600000e-01  dsub    =  5.891755e-01  vth0    =  4.090000e-01  
+ ua      = -1.085785e-09  ua1     =  2.451017e-09  ub      =  2.210053e-18  
+ ub1     = -2.617479e-18  uc      =  3.755569e-11  uc1     =  2.640885e-13  
+ u0      =  3.324764e-02  ute     = -1.230449e+00  voff    = -8.793706e-02  
+ delta   =  9.688553e-03  rdsw    =  4.385596e+02  prwg    =  1.000000e-01  
+ prwb    = -7.964250e-02  prt     = -4.162666e+01  eta0    =  1.722893e-01  
+ etab    = -5.113721e-02  pclm    =  9.585992e-01  pdiblc1 =  2.537726e-12  
+ pdiblc2 = -3.312959e-04  pdiblcb = -1.000000e-03  pscbe1  =  5.656369e+08  
+ pscbe2  =  1.000000e-03  pvag    =  1.000001e-12  wr      =  9.107508e-01  
+ dwg     = -7.427878e-09  dwb     = -3.328336e-09  b0      =  1.598826e-07  
+ b1      =  5.141988e-17  alpha0  =  0.000000e+00  beta0   =  3.000000e+01  
+ elm     =  5.000000e+00  cgsl    =  0.000000e+00  cgdl    =  0.000000e+00  
+ ckappa  =  6.000000e-01  cf      =  1.500000e-10  clc     =  1.000000e-07  
+ cle     =  6.000000e-01  tnom    =  2.500000e+01  cgso    =  1.730000e-10  
+ cgdo    =  1.730000e-10  cgbo    =  0.000000e+00  xpart   =  1.000000e+00  
+ rsh     =  0.000000e+00  pb      =  5.112000e-01  mj      =  3.872000e-01  
+ mjsw    =  3.872000e-01  pbsw    =  5.112000e-01  cj      =  8.488000e-04  
+ cjsw    =  4.896000e-10  lint    =  1.944776e-08  ll      =  1.382235e-09  
+ lln     =  2.000000e-01  lw      =  0.000000e+00  lwn     =  0.000000e+00  
+ lwl     =  0.000000e+00  wint    =  1.347400e-07  wl      =  0.000000e+00  
+ wln     =  1.000000e+00  ww      = -7.781819e-14  wwn     =  1.000000e+00  
+ wwl     =  0.000000e+00  nlev    =  2.000000e+00  kf      =  0.500000e-25

.model pmos pmos level = 49
+ version =  3.11          acm     =  3             hdif    =  0.5e-6
+ mobmod  =  1.000000e+00  capmod  =  1.000000e+00  nqsmod  =  0.000000e+00  
+ tox     =  6.000000e-09  cdsc    =  1.000000e-10  cdscb   =  0.000000e+00  
+ cdscd   =  0.000000e+00  cit     =  2.849258e-03  nfactor =  0.000000e+00  
+ xj      =  2.000000e-07  vsat    =  1.235253e+05  at      =  0.000000e+00  
+ a0      =  5.534111e-01  ags     =  0.000000e+00  a1      =  0.000000e+00  
+ a2      =  4.000000e-01  keta    = -4.742392e-03  nch     =  1.198869e+17  
+ k1      =  4.649430e-01  kt1     = -4.972940e-01  kt1l    =  0.000000e+00  
+ kt2     = -4.796538e-02  k2      =  1.579357e-02  k3      = -1.532555e+00  
+ k3b     = -1.426295e-01  w0      = -5.128171e-07  nlx     =  1.500000e-07  
+ dvt0    =  1.310824e+00  dvt1    =  2.383284e-01  dvt2    =  0.000000e+00  
+ dvt0w   =  0.000000e+00  dvt1w   =  0.000000e+00  dvt2w   =  0.000000e+00  
+ drout   =  3.972895e-01  dsub    =  4.287821e-01  vth0    = -0.746600e+00  
+ ua      = -7.838913e-10  ua1     =  4.158887e-09  ub      =  1.416209e-18  
+ ub1     = -3.635865e-18  uc      = -3.193134e-11  uc1     =  0.000000e+00  
+ u0      =  8.644306e-03  ute     =  0.000000e+00  voff    = -1.619864e-01  
+ delta   =  1.000000e-02  rdsw    =  1.393589e+03  prwg    = -7.131702e-02  
+ prwb    = -9.573077e-02  prt     =  0.000000e+00  eta0    =  5.324062e-02  
+ etab    =  0.000000e+00  pclm    =  1.294956e+00  pdiblc1 =  1.272241e-02  
+ pdiblc2 =  5.045117e-04  pdiblcb = -8.715370e-03  pscbe1  =  4.803844e+08  
+ pscbe2  =  1.000000e-08  pvag    =  0.000000e+00  wr      =  8.585317e-01  
+ dwg     = -1.637238e-08  dwb     = -3.444345e-09  b0      =  0.000000e+00  
+ b1      =  1.000000e-04  alpha0  =  0.000000e+00  beta0   =  3.000000e+01  
+ elm     =  5.000000e+00  cgsl    =  0.000000e+00  cgdl    =  0.000000e+00  
+ ckappa  =  6.000000e-01  cf      =  1.500000e-10  clc     =  1.000000e-07  
+ cle     =  6.000000e-01  tnom    =  2.500000e+01  cgso    =  4.370000e-10  
+ cgdo    =  4.370000e-10  cgbo    =  0.000000e+00  xpart   =  1.000000e+00  
+ rsh     =  0.000000e+00  pb      =  9.316000e-01  mj      =  4.845000e-01  
+ mjsw    =  4.845000e-01  pbsw    =  9.316000e-01  cj      =  1.117000e-03  
+ cjsw    =  4.764000e-10  lint    =  6.278428e-08  ll      =  4.395297e-17  
+ lln     =  1.370692e+00  lw      =  0.000000e+00  lwn     =  0.000000e+00  
+ lwl     =  0.000000e+00  wint    =  1.924185e-07  wl      =  0.000000e+00  
+ wln     =  1.000000e+00  ww      = -9.207185e-13  wwn     =  8.342567e-01  
+ wwl     =  0.000000e+00  nlev    =  2.000000e+00  kf      =  0.250000e-25

*  This file is for SLOW conditions (high tox ... mismatch low).
*  CMOS transistor models
* channel length    0.35um ... 15um (NMOS)
*      0.35um ... 15um (PMOS)
* channel width    >= 1um
* nominal parameter values:
*  threshold    0.60V  (NMOS)
*       0.85V  (PMOS)
*  oxide thickness   6.5nm
* worst case tolerances (used in worst case models):
*  channel length   +/- 0.05um
*  width     +/- 0.05um
*  oxide thickness   +/- 0.5nm
*  threshold voltage   +/- 40mV  (NMOS)
*       +/- 60mV  (PMOS)
* CASE HT: high Tox files (mismatch low)
.model nmos nmos level = 49
+ version =  3.11          acm     =  3             hdif    =  0.5e-6
+ mobmod  =  1.000000e+00  capmod  =  1.000000e+00  nqsmod  =  0.000000e+00  
+ tox     =  7.000000e-09  cdsc    =  1.000000e-10  cdscb   =  0.000000e+00  
+ cdscd   =  3.146578e-03  cit     = -1.165567e-03  nfactor =  2.067847e+00  
+ xj      =  2.000000e-07  vsat    =  1.733115e+05  at      =  4.587946e+04  
+ a0      =  1.208623e+00  ags     =  2.664144e-01  a1      =  0.000000e+00  
+ a2      =  3.926521e-01  keta    = -5.969015e-03  nch     =  3.053200e+17  
+ k1      =  8.424975e-01  kt1     = -2.968857e-01  kt1l    =  6.948321e-09  
+ kt2     = -2.439718e-02  k2      = -6.436116e-02  k3      = -2.348052e+00  
+ k3b     = -2.995700e+00  w0      =  0.000000e+00  nlx     =  2.343014e-07  
+ dvt0    =  1.904429e+01  dvt1    =  7.985093e-01  dvt2    =  6.252991e-03  
+ dvt0w   =  0.000000e+00  dvt1w   =  0.000000e+00  dvt2w   =  0.000000e+00  
+ drout   =  5.600000e-01  dsub    =  5.891755e-01  vth0    =  4.794305e-01  
+ ua      = -1.085785e-09  ua1     =  2.451017e-09  ub      =  2.210053e-18  
+ ub1     = -2.617479e-18  uc      =  3.755569e-11  uc1     =  2.640885e-13  
+ u0      =  3.324764e-02  ute     = -1.230449e+00  voff    = -8.793706e-02  
+ delta   =  9.688553e-03  rdsw    =  4.385596e+02  prwg    =  1.000000e-01  
+ prwb    = -7.964250e-02  prt     = -4.162666e+01  eta0    =  1.722893e-01  
+ etab    = -5.113721e-02  pclm    =  9.585992e-01  pdiblc1 =  2.537726e-12  
+ pdiblc2 = -3.312959e-04  pdiblcb = -1.000000e-03  pscbe1  =  5.656369e+08  
+ pscbe2  =  1.000000e-03  pvag    =  1.000001e-12  wr      =  9.107508e-01  
+ dwg     = -7.427878e-09  dwb     = -3.328336e-09  b0      =  1.598826e-07  
+ b1      =  5.141988e-17  alpha0  =  0.000000e+00  beta0   =  3.000000e+01  
+ elm     =  5.000000e+00  cgsl    =  0.000000e+00  cgdl    =  0.000000e+00  
+ ckappa  =  6.000000e-01  cf      =  1.000000e-11  clc     =  1.000000e-07  
+ cle     =  6.000000e-01  tnom    =  2.500000e+01  cgso    =  1.480000e-10  
+ cgdo    =  1.480000e-10  cgbo    =  0.000000e+00  xpart   =  1.000000e+00  
+ rsh     =  0.000000e+00  pb      =  5.112000e-01  mj      =  3.872000e-01  
+ mjsw    =  3.872000e-01  pbsw    =  5.112000e-01  cj      =  8.488000e-04  
+ cjsw    =  4.896000e-10  lint    = -1.450473e-08  ll      =  1.382235e-09  
+ lln     =  2.000000e-01  lw      =  0.000000e+00  lwn     =  0.000000e+00  
+ lwl     =  0.000000e+00  wint    =  1.347400e-07  wl      =  0.000000e+00  
+ wln     =  1.000000e+00  ww      = -7.781819e-14  wwn     =  1.000000e+00  
+ wwl     =  0.000000e+00  nlev    =  2.000000e+00  kf      =  0.500000e-25

.model pmos pmos level = 49
+ version =  3.11          acm     =  3             hdif    =  0.5e-6
+ mobmod  =  1.000000e+00  capmod  =  1.000000e+00  nqsmod  =  0.000000e+00  
+ tox     =  7.000000e-09  cdsc    =  1.000000e-10  cdscb   =  0.000000e+00  
+ cdscd   =  0.000000e+00  cit     =  2.849258e-03  nfactor =  0.000000e+00  
+ xj      =  2.000000e-07  vsat    =  1.235253e+05  at      =  0.000000e+00  
+ a0      =  5.534111e-01  ags     =  0.000000e+00  a1      =  0.000000e+00  
+ a2      =  4.000000e-01  keta    = -4.742392e-03  nch     =  1.198869e+17  
+ k1      =  5.424334e-01  kt1     = -4.972940e-01  kt1l    =  0.000000e+00  
+ kt2     = -4.796538e-02  k2      =  1.842583e-02  k3      = -1.532555e+00  
+ k3b     = -1.426295e-01  w0      = -5.128171e-07  nlx     =  1.500000e-07  
+ dvt0    =  1.326518e+00  dvt1    =  2.383284e-01  dvt2    =  0.000000e+00  
+ dvt0w   =  0.000000e+00  dvt1w   =  0.000000e+00  dvt2w   =  0.000000e+00  
+ drout   =  3.972895e-01  dsub    =  4.287821e-01  vth0    = -8.270000e-01  
+ ua      = -7.838913e-10  ua1     =  4.158887e-09  ub      =  1.416209e-18  
+ ub1     = -3.635865e-18  uc      = -3.193134e-11  uc1     =  0.000000e+00  
+ u0      =  8.644306e-03  ute     =  0.000000e+00  voff    = -1.619864e-01  
+ delta   =  1.000000e-02  rdsw    =  1.393589e+03  prwg    = -7.131702e-02  
+ prwb    = -9.573077e-02  prt     =  0.000000e+00  eta0    =  5.324062e-02  
+ etab    =  0.000000e+00  pclm    =  1.294956e+00  pdiblc1 =  1.272241e-02  
+ pdiblc2 =  5.045117e-04  pdiblcb = -8.715370e-03  pscbe1  =  4.803844e+08  
+ pscbe2  =  1.000000e-08  pvag    =  0.000000e+00  wr      =  8.585317e-01  
+ dwg     = -1.637238e-08  dwb     = -3.444345e-09  b0      =  0.000000e+00  
+ b1      =  1.000000e-04  alpha0  =  0.000000e+00  beta0   =  3.000000e+01  
+ elm     =  5.000000e+00  cgsl    =  0.000000e+00  cgdl    =  0.000000e+00  
+ ckappa  =  6.000000e-01  cf      =  1.000000e-11  clc     =  1.000000e-07  
+ cle     =  6.000000e-01  tnom    =  2.500000e+01  cgso    =  3.750000e-10  
+ cgdo    =  3.750000e-10  cgbo    =  0.000000e+00  xpart   =  1.000000e+00  
+ rsh     =  0.000000e+00  pb      =  9.316000e-01  mj      =  4.845000e-01  
+ mjsw    =  4.845000e-01  pbsw    =  9.316000e-01  cj      =  1.117000e-03  
+ cjsw    =  4.764000e-10  lint    =  3.911449e-08  ll      =  4.395297e-17  
+ lln     =  1.370692e+00  lw      =  0.000000e+00  lwn     =  0.000000e+00  
+ lwl     =  0.000000e+00  wint    =  1.924185e-07  wl      =  0.000000e+00  
+ wln     =  1.000000e+00  ww      = -9.207185e-13  wwn     =  8.342567e-01  
+ wwl     =  0.000000e+00  nlev    =  2.000000e+00  kf      =  0.250000e-25

Time in India:

Saturday, 27 September 2014




Panel Control


Phosphor or an LCD screen, usually about 100 mm corner to corner.
Line drawn by the scope to represent the signal. This line is created by a bright dot moving across the screen at high speed.
C, D
Screen is overlaid with a grid of horizontal (C) and vertical (D) lines, which divides the screen into squares, called 'major divisions', graticule is usually 10 major divisions wide and 8 tall.
The central horizontal and vertical lines are usually thicker than the others and are divided into 'minor divisions', usually five per major division.

Power ON/OFF
Press power push button switch to turn the power on and release to turn the power off.
Power lamp
This lamp lights when power is turned ON.

Control the brightness of the display.
Control the sharpness of the display.
Trace rotation
Screw driver control to adjust horizontal tilt of the trace.
Scale illum
Used to adjust the scale brightness.

Input BNC
30, 24
Input terminals to CH1/X, CH2/Y inputs.
22, 29
Selects the coupling method to the vertical amplifier.
AC: Vertical input is connected through a capacitor, only AC component is displayed.
GND: Input of vertical amplifier is grounded.
DC: Input signal including DC component is displayed.
Volts/Div selector
26, 32
Steps attenuator switch from 5mV/div to 10V/div. 
x5 Mag
20, 36
When pressed, the vertical axis gain is magnified 5 times, and the maximum sensitivity becomes 1mV/div.
23, 35
Used to move CH1 or CH2 trace up or down on the CRT screen.
When Invert switch is pressed, polarity of the signal to CH2 is inverted.
Only the signal applied to CH1 is displayed.
Only the signal applied to CH2 is displayed.
28, 34
When both CH1 and CH2 buttons are pushed in, the signals applied to CH1 and CH2 are displayed simultaneously in either chopped or alternate display.
Displays the algebraic sum of the CH1 and CH2 inputs. Difference is displayed when the CH2 invert button is pushed in.

Time/Div Selector
Selects sweep speed from 0.1us/Div to 0.2us/Div in 20 calibrated steps.
Displays the CH1 and CH2 input signal as an X, Y graph. The vertical deflection signal is applied to the CH1 input and the horizontal deflection signal is applied to the CH2 input.
Sweep Var
When tuned completely clockwise (cal) the sweep is indicated by the Time/Div switch.
When turned completely counter clockwise the sweep is less than 1/2.5 of the Time/Div setting.
Horizontal Position
Used to move the trace in horizontal direction.
x5 Mag
When pressed, the trace will be magnified by a factor of 5. The sweep time becomes 1/5 of the value indicated on the Time/Div switch.
Displays both the normal trace whose sweep rate is indicated by the Time/Div switch and the magnified trace x5 simultaneously. 
Trace Separation Control
Used to position Magnified trace 1.5 divisions or more from the normal trace

Trigger source selector

Selects sweep trigger signal source.
Int: Input signal applied to CH1 or CH2 becomes the trigger signal.
CH2: Input signal applied to CH2 becomes the trigger signal.
Line: Power line frequency becomes the trigger signal source.
Ext: External signal applied to TRIG input becomes the trigger signal.
Input terminal for the external trigger signal.
Trig Level
Sets the amplitude point on the trigger waveform that will start the sweep.
Selects the polarity of the slope the trigger source waveform will start the sweep.
(+) slope is selected when the push button is pushed out.
(--) slope is selected when the push button is pushed in.
Trig Mode
Auto: Sweep continuously runs in the auto sweep mode. A trace will be displayed even when the input waveform is not triggered. A stationary waveform will be displayed when the input waveform is properly triggered.
Norm: A trace will be displayed only when the input waveform is present and is properly triggered. There will be no trace displayed if there is no input signal or if the input signal is not synchronized. Normal sweep is used when the input signal’s frequency is less than 25Hz.
TV-H: Effective when trig mode is set to TV, and is used when the horizontal of the TV signal is to be synchronized.
TV-V: Effective when trig mode is set to TV, and is used when the vertical of the TV signal is to be synchronized. 
Cal 0.5V
Outputs a 0.5V P-P 1KHz rectangular wave for calibrating probes.
This is the grounding terminal.
Switch to change from oscilloscope to component tester. For component testing, X-Y switch must be pushed in for X-Y mode and set both AC-GND-DC switches to GND position.
Component Test In
Terminals to connect a component or lead wires to a component under test.